Sunday 25 December 2011

Ten-Year Self-Improvement Challenge. Update Ten,

Initial challenge can be found here and this is my update:

1) Okay, so I haven't been reading books... I have, however, been reading fashion magazines religiously. I promise to try harder.

2) I said hello to someone i've been meaning to say hello to for ages and a friend introduced me to someone else who i've wanted to introduce myself to for a while. Not bad.

3) I've been very slack for past 3 months, but have just bashed out several "recap" blogs.

4) Fail.

5) I'm so much better at keeping in touch with family and friends back home than I was when I started this challenge. Tick.

6) I've been so good all year and then it got cold and i've struggled. Still, i'm 3 dress sizes smaller than I was this time, last year.

A thought.

I've completely changed my life around this year and I have become a better person; there is still room for improvement. A lot less selfish, more happy and comfortable in who I am.

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