Monday, 7 February 2011

Just For Laughs Showcase - Sunday. Pleasance Theatre.

Billed: Jarred Christmas as MC. There was no MC. Poor Nick Mohammed had to perform to a cold audience after his name was announced by somebody at the back of the room. Joining Mohammed on the bill were Jessica Ransom, Late Night Gimp Fight, The Penny Dreadfuls, Colin Hoult, The Unexpected Items, Adam Riches and Two Episodes of Mash.

The first half felt really rushed and laughs seemed to be scarce. The Penny Dreadfuls and Colin Hoult kicked off a better second half.

I really liked they way TPDs and two Episodes of Mash gave a brief introduction before launching into their sketches. I've only seen Adam Riches once before and wasn't very impressed; he ended up being one of my faves this time around, though. I think I laughed most at little things that went wrong from Joe Wilkinson initiating the start of a sketch that he and Diane Morgan had just completed and then exclaiming "oh, we just did that one didn't we?" to Humphrey Ker hitting is head on a beam (Adam Riches also fell pray to this beam when he smacked a prop on it).

A thought.

My parents are rather blank individuals. I am a rather blank individual.

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