Thursday, 20 May 2010

Fun Mission.

Fun Mission is a relatively new comedy night at The Book Club in Shoreditch (hideously trendy!) hosted by Sam Fletcher (aka Fletch from 'The Slutcracker') and Holly Burn. Joining Holly and Sam were The Sunday Defensive and Nick Mohammed.

A really lovely little gig, spoiled a little by 2 drunk audience members (1 of them was proper mental). The roof of the venue was covered in light bulbs! Also, I matress was unsuccessfully passed through a giant hole in the wall.

Holly and Sam did sketches as well as solo sets. I loved Holly as 'Jason the Very Rich Tiger' and Sam's drawings (he's also a pretty funny magician dude, who knew?).

Damn that Mr. Nick Mohammed is a talented chap! He played a variety of characters which were all equally good and very, very funny. I've watched his musical conductor sketch on YouTube, but seeing it live made me incredibly happy. SO GOOD.

A thought.

I've added Sam Fletcher and Nick Mohammed to my all time favourite comedians list. It's getting rather long.

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