Sunday, 24 January 2010

Foster And Gilvan. Mr Solo. Mystery Fax Machine Orchestra.

A rather wonderful gig at the Luminaire in Kilburn on Friday night. I went mainly to see the Mystery Fax Machine Orchestra, but also really enjoyed Foster & Gilvan and Mr Solo.

Foster and Gilvan performed their set in the middle of the audience rather than the stage. Sometimes the delivery was almost at a whisper, which gave me goosebumps (i'm sure I wasn't the only one). My favourite song was about the things that happen down the back of a bureau "where the pens and the pencils play". They're fantastic storytellers.

I think Mikey Georgeson is most famous as lead singer "The Vessel" from David Devant and His Spirit Wife but tonight, however, he was Mr Solo. I loved when he was joined by the orchestra towards the end of his set; the trumpet during 'Pimlico' was ACE.

The Mystery Fax Machine Orchestra started off with "part one" of a new song about a 9 year old boy's train journey from London to Constantinople, very much looking forward to hearing the other parts at future gigs. They sang most of my favourites including 'The History of Europe', 'Thank You For Not Discussing' and 'Maybe' (I don't think i'll ever not giggle at the line "got caught killing a swan with a golf club, don't know why I did that"). Love it.

A thought.

I wish I could sing. If I could, i'd quite like to rock up to someone in particular's front door, knock, wait for them to answer and then start singing The Dresden Dolls' 'Good Day'.

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