Thursday, 19 November 2009

Falling Down With Laughter.

One of the funniest and most delightful comedy night's i've been to in a long time. The line-up was ace; Two Episodes of MASH, Delete The Banjax, Bridget Christie (as An Ant), James Sherwood, Pippa Evans, Marcel Lucont (MC) and Tim Key (headliner). See? Told you it was an ace line-up.

It was an experiment night, so there was some new stuff and some old stuff. I really really enjoy watching comedians try out new material.

We were treated to 3 new sketches from Two Epiodes of MASH (Joe Wilkinson was/is amazing!), a new character from Pippa Evans (as well as a new song from Evans's older character, Loretta Maine) and some new poems and a story from Tim Key.

Tim Key's story was the highlight of the gig. I was laughing so hard that it hurt, all I wanted to do was take a breath but he just wouldn't stop being funny (death by laughing). A friend turned to me after he'd finished his story and said "OUCH", ouch indeed. It was like that childhood game where you take turns to say one word, which in turn, becomes a story... except he made up all the words, 'twas BRILLIANT.

I'd been linked to a song by Delete The Banjax on Twitter and enjoyed, it was great to finally see them live. Their sketches were good, but not as good as their songs.

Marcel Lumont was the best MC. There was quite an interesting audience member in the front row and the exchange between the two of them was very funny. Every comedy show should have an interesting audience member in the front row.

It was nice to see James Sherwood again. He seemed to enjoy the crowd and asked if he could do an extra song (ah, YES!).

A thought.

I like laughing so hard it hurts.

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